US B2C Contact data|Email Address|ConsumerWatch Network (CWN) 1st Party data|1700+ Purchase Intent Behaviors|75MM B2C Audience data|4BB Online Events
CWN Online Actives B2C Contact Purchase Intent data sourced from online consumer engagement & transaction data contains a key set of Audience Data individual active consumer attributes that includes: Gender, Age and 1700+ IAB category codes with specific Brand or Product & Service type engagements.
Fortune 1000|BizWatch Network (BWN)|B2B Contact Data|USA 1st Party B2B Email Data|Delivered Weekly,B2B Firmographic Data, 638K+ Titles
Since 2003, BWN 1st Party Fortune 100 B2B email address data has been used by industry leading technology companies to execute their go to market campaigns. B2B 1st party email newsletter, web-site subscriber, syndicated content partner and affiliate marketing digital purchase/eCommerce data.
Digital Audience|ConsumerWatch Network-CWN B2C Contact|Online Actives|740+ Brand data|75MM US Consumers|4BB Online Events|Hashed email|Identity Graph
CWN Online CPG data & Brand Purchase Intent data currently Active Individuals comprised of consumer engagement & transaction data by specific Brand. ConsumerWatch Network (CWN) leverages current Online Active indvidual engagement with brand level online engagements/transactions. CPG & BRand data.
ConsumerWatch Network(CWN) Online Actives |CPG Data|1st Party data|700+ IAB Brand Intent/Transactions|75MM US Email| Audience Data | B2C Brand Data
CWN Online Actives CPG data & Brand Purchase Intent data is sourced from online consumer engagement & transaction data and contains a key set of Audience Data of individual active consumer attributes that includes: Gender, Age & 1700+ IAB category codes with specific Brand/Product type engagements.
ConsumerWatch Network (CWN) 1st Party data| Consumer Data|1700+ Purchase Intent Behaviors|75MM B2C Audience data|4BB Online Events
CWN Online Actives sourced from online consumer engagement and transaction data contains a key set of Audience Data individual active consumer attributes that includes: Gender, Age and 1700+ IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) category codes with specific Brand or Product type engagements.
CEO Contact data,President,CFO,CIO,CTO,CMO,COO,Chairman, Vice President|B2B Contact Data|BizWatch Network (BWN)|US B2B Email Data|Firmographic
BWN C-level/CEO B2B Contact data (CEO,President,CFO,CIO,CTO,CMO,COO,Chairman,VP,Vice President) is used by leading companies to execute go to market campaigns. This B2B Contact data set includes B2B email & Firmographic data.
BusinessWatch (BWN) & ConsumerWatch (CWN) Network | US Audience Data | B2B/B2C/B2B2C | 170MM+ Mobile Phone Number Data | Direct Business Phone Numbers
B2B & B2C Mobile Phone number data. BWN & CWN audience data. Business(B2B) & Consumer(B2C) data file with consumer attributes including: Gender, Age, Income, Occupational & business firmographics such as Title, Company size & SIC code. B2B &B2C Contact data & Audience data with Mobile Phone Numbers.
B2C|B2B|B2B2C Digital Audience|Identity Graph|Business & ConsumerWatch Network (CWN)|284MM B2C Contact|100MM IP Address|300MM Consumer Md5 sha256 HEMl
B2B2C Contact Identity Graph & Identity Link/ HEM md5 sha256 to IP Address attributes includes: Gender/Age/Income/ Occupation/Auto Brand/Interests/Recent Purchases + more. The CWN universe has 280MM+ individuals generating 400MM+ recent purchase/pre-purchase content engagements. Key data: IP address
B2B Tech Install|BizWatch Network (BWN)|Technology data|USA 1st Party B2B Email Data|Delivered Weekly|Firmographic data, 10MM Titles|2.5MM Domain data
Since 2003, BWN 1st Party Tech Install data & email address data has been used by industry leading technology companies to execute their go to market campaigns. B2B 1st party email newsletter, web-site subscriber, syndicated content partner and affiliate marketing digital purchase/eCommerce data.
B2B Intent data|BizWatch Network (BWN)|1st Party B2B Leads Data|20MM Titles, 5MM Domain Name data|160 B2B Intent data segments|Matched IP Address data
BWN 1st Party B2B Email & B2B Intent B2B Leads data is used by industry leading technology companies to execute their go to market campaigns. B2B Leads data generated by 1st party email newsletter|web-site subscriber, content partner and affiliate marketing digital/eCommerce data.