Mobile Phone number data file from BusinessWatch (BWN) & ConsumerWatch (CWN) Network represents a unique data asset in the marketplace. Leveraging both reach and scale across B2B & B2C Audience data this file contains a comprehensive set of Consumer & Business attributes that include: Gender, Age, Income, Occupation, Title, Company size and SIC code, Mobile Phone and more. CWN & BWN source both email newsletter response data and strategic publisher partner intelligence to effectively map consumer trends, prioritize based upon purchase engagement, and build selectable, responsive, profile segments for Identity Graph processing and Mobile Phone number data. The CWN Mobile Pone data universe consists of 157 million+ mobile phones linked to individuals. This Business & Consumer data file is ideal for Mobile Phone append and mobile/text messaging advertising. B2B contact Mobile Phones 35 Milion+ B2C contact Mobile Phones 135 Million+ Key Consumer Mobile Phone data segments include: Gender Age range Income range Home address Net Worth Homeowner flag Presence of children flag Key Business Mobile Phone Data Segments include: Title Company size SIC code Company Revenue Key Target Attributes: Mobile Phone data, Audience Targeting data, Advertising data, Demographic data, Digital Audience data, Consumer data, B2B email, B2C email
Country Coverage
(1 country)Data Categories
- B2B Leads Data
- Audience Data
- B2B Contact Data
- Phone Number Data
- B2C Contact Data
One-off purchase | $5K $4.5K |
Monthly License | $5K $4.5K |
Yearly License | $10K $9K |
Usage-based | $5K $4.5K |
- records
- 170M
- B2C Mobile phone data
- 135M
- B2B Mobile Phone data
- 35M
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